Top Women to Discuss Private Label at Grocery ImpactExecs from Giant Eagle, Weis Markets will offer insights in relation to female shoppers Giant Eagle Appoints New CEOBill Artman elevated from interim position, along with several other C-suite changes Giant Eagle Rolls Out 2nd Wave of Price Lock Items Move follows positive customer response to initial summer savings program Execs Weigh in on Labor Issues at GroceryTech Recruitment, retention, training and more discussed by panel BJ’s, Giant Eagle’s GetGo Among Those Offering Holiday Fuel Discounts Deals allow consumers to save on July 4 travel costs GroceryTech Event Presents Full Slate of Forward-Thinking Speakers Industry leaders will gather in Cincinnati July 12-14 to share insights, best practices and networking opportunities Giant Eagle Debuts Own Retail Media Network Regional grocer launches Leap Media Group, with early-adapter major brands Giant Eagle Celebrates Newest GetGo in Pennsylvania Grocer's innovative convenience store concept opens 270th location Execs at Kroger, Giant Eagle and Wakefern Headline GroceryTech Panel on Recruitment and Retention Trio joins Progressive Grocer's Gina Acosta to map out technologies for creating and maintaining talent Giant Eagle Puts a Hold on Prices for Summer Grocer locks in discounts on hundreds of popular offerings First Previous 4 5 6 7 Next Last