Acosta Names Alejandro Rodriguez Bas President/CEOExec previously worked for C&S Wholesale Grocers Piggly Wiggly Indie Storeowners Buying 6 Southeastern Grocers LocationsDeals follow in wake of Chapter 11 bankruptcy C&S Names Mike Duffy CEO Current Chief Rick Cohen will instead focus on executive chairman role Grocers Among High Scorers in LGBTQ Workplace Equality HRC ranking includes Ahold USA, Dehaize America, BJ’s Grocery Expert Lauds Supervalu’s ‘Sensational Back-to-Back Deals’ Transactions give company 'unprecedented procurement power': Flickinger Teamsters Ask Safeway for Moratorium on DC Closures C&S subsidiary plans to shutter sites, lay off workers Southeastern Grocers Confirms Executive Reshuffling Bi-Lo split into East, West divisions C&S to Close 3 White Rose Facilities New Jersey DCs will shutter in July Bi-Lo’s Dewayne Rabon Becomes GMDC Board Chairman Other board members represent H-E-B, Weis, Wakefern, C&S Associated Food Stores, C&S Wholesale Grocers Sign Supply Agreement NYC-area company was previously supplied by White Rose First Previous 8 9 10 11 12 Next Last