The Big Picture of DoorDash Delivery
There are many reasons why consumers order groceries and food online, and it often goes beyond mere cravings and solving the what’s-for-dinner-tonight dilemma. Service provider DoorDash dug into such purchase drivers and shared new data about how delivery services improve the quality of life.
Grocery delivery through the third-party app is especially appreciated by families, the research affirms. A solid 84% of parents said that DoorDash helps them be more productive or gives them time back for other activities and, of that cohort, 60% reported that they are able to spend more time with their family because of DoorDash. Accordingly, nearly three-fourths (73%) shared that delivery makes them feel less anxious about providing for their family.
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Progressive Grocer recently talked with one DoorDash customer who agreed with that sentiment. “My car broke down and I had to get it towed. I have three kids and I didn’t know how we were going to eat,” said Deronique Turner, a Memphis resident. “I used DoorDash to order my groceries for about eight months until I was able to purchase a new vehicle and it is a life saver for me when I didn’t have a way to get to the store.” In addition to convenience, Turner said that that the acceptance of SNAP/EBT benefits on the app has proven helpful to many people who have considered using DoorDash to order groceries.
On that note, groceries continue to be a growing area for the service provider as DoorDash works to meet the needs of families. The recent data shows that almost half (49%) of users ordered groceries or retail products from DoorDash and one in five have used the service to order from a grocery store or other food retailer that they would not have otherwise tried.
Families and caretakers who have someone with a disability in their household or life also confirm that the service has been helpful when buying groceries. Nearly a quarter (24%) said they have ordered groceries for loved ones who couldn’t leave the house. Of those who face some kind of mobility issue, 50% have used the service to order essential items when they couldn’t buy such things themselves or have someone else buy them and 21% indicated they would otherwise skip a meal altogether or eat snacks they have on hand.
Turner shared another real-world example, “My children’s father’s mother doesn’t like go to the store and has bad knees. I was telling her about DoorDash and she said later, ‘I just did it and I was so excited’,” she recalled.
Technology company DoorDash connects consumers with their preferred local businesses in more than 30 countries across the globe.