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Grocery Tech Study

SPECIAL REPORT: 2024 Grocery Tech Trends

Progressive Grocer's 2nd annual study reveals how retailers can meet the needs of tech-savvy shoppers without losing human touch

Any retailer who’s been studying the habits and preferences of emerging generations of shoppers knows that technology will play a key role in how these consumers buy groceries. But even as apps become more advanced and new tools continue to improve the shopping experience, tomorrow’s consumers will still look for a human element as they navigate the aisles. That’s one of the major findings in Progressive Grocer’s second annual Grocery Tech Trends Study, which includes results from both retailer and shopper surveys.

This dilemma is currently being played out across the country as major chains like Walmart retool their self-checkout strategies, and both large and small grocers cautiously introduce smart carts while having employees nearby for guidance, all in the name of a better shopping experience.

[RELATED: How Tech Is Fueling Growth at Walmart]

To be sure, PG’s study finds that trends such as smart carts, electronic shelf labels and frictionless checkout are all gaining ground in-store, while online ordering – primarily through delivery – continues to grow. Yet plenty of shoppers report frustrations with their experiences, especially when a product is out of stock or they can’t find help to resolve issues.

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