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Wegmans Shoppers to ‘Love Kale’ at Tasting Event

Capitalizing on the leafy green’s rise from unappreciated vegetable to superfood superstar, Wegmans Food Markets will hold a “Love Kale” tasting event chain-wide on Nov. 1 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.

"Kale tastes great in so many different ways that I think every customer who comes to the store for the 'Love Kale' event will be in for some nice surprises," noted Executive Chef John Steinhoff. "Every dish we'll be sampling features kale as an ingredient, so customers will get a sense of its versatility. There'll be a salad and side dishes, a vegetarian sushi roll, a pasta dish, a smoothie, and even sweets and snacks. We'll have recipe cards for those who want to recreate some of these dishes at home."

The event's scheduled creations include Sautéed Kale and Kale Chips in the produce department; Hail Kale Caesar Salad in the self-serve bar in the prepared food area; ‘Kale-elujah’ Rolls at the sushi bar; Tuscan Roasted Squash and Kale, paired with Roasted Honey-Brined Rib End of Pork, in the meat department; Kale and Cannelini Cappellacci, a ravioli dish, in the dairy department; Kandy Kale and Rhythm Chips in the Nature's Marketplace section; and Fruit and Kale Smoothies in frozen foods.

"Kale's reputation as a superfood is understandable, since it's so rich in a number of important nutrients," said Wegmans Nutrition and Product Labeling Manager Jane Andrews. "But no one fruit or vegetable -- even kale -- offers all the nutrients our bodies need from this food group. So as our Eat Well, Live Well guidelines suggest, [consumers should] enjoy five cups a day of fruits and vegetables in many varieties, tastes and colors."

Rochester, N.Y.-based Wegmans operates 85 stores in New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Virginia, Maryland and Massachusetts.

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