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Whole Foods Rethinks New Year's Resolutions

AUSTIN, Texas -- Whole Foods Market said yesterday it plans to launch a new program, "ReSOLUTIONS Start Here," in its stores and online during the New Year's season, based in part on research conducted for Whole Foods by Opinion Research Corp., which found that more than 75 percent of Americans would prefer to never again make a New Year's resolution, wanting instead to adopt long-term healthy lifestyle solutions.

Whole Foods developed the ReSOLUTIONS Start Here program in partnership with Debra Fine, a nationally recognized communications expert and author of "The Fine Art of Small Talk" and the newly released "The Fine Art of Big Talk." Its objective is to help shoppers adopt healthy, long-term lifestyle solutions, and avoid short-term fixes like New Year's resolutions.

The supernatural grocer said it will offer tips, recipes, and shopping lists supporting four key lifestyle ReSOLUTION categories aligned with current trends:
-- "reDISCOVER a better world," tied to charity, ecology, and supporting "people of the world."
-- "reEMBRACE the family table," to encourage healthy eating at home.
-- "reSHAPE my body/reFRESH my health," for people who want to lose weight through lifestyle changes rather than short-term dieting.
-- "reBALANCE my budget," a guide to eating well on a budget.

In support of that final category, Whole Foods said it has "Meals for Four for Under $15," a brochure suggesting healthy meals featuring the chain's store brand 365 Everyday Value products.

As part of the new program, Fine will write a blog to appear on Whole Foods' Web site and provide regular tips and feedback throughout January, as a further aid to people kicking off healthy lifestyle changes, the retailer said.
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