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WEBCAST: Sweetener Usage by Category and Consumer Segment

New research from Mintel indicates consumers are still more likely to be looking for calories (41%) and fats and oils (37%) when reading labels. Further, consumers are focused on added sugar (31%) in general more than any specific type of sweetener (e.g., HFCS 4%).

This new Mintel data is the focus of the latest in Progressive Grocer’s webcast series. Sponsored by the Corn Refiners Association, the free webcast is scheduled for Wednesday, Oct. 3, 2012, at 2 p.m. ET. Registration is open.

Additionally, when consumers indicated they considered sugar or sweeteners in 12 of the highest categories in grocery stores, like juice, breakfast cereals, bread and others, the majority of consumers reiterated they wanted to limit overall sweetener consumption rather than a particular type of sweetener.

To provide perspective on the data as it relates to F&B product strategies, Sara Marten, vice president at MSR Group, will lead a 45-minute webcast that explores consumer awareness (aided and unaided) of ingredients, which consumer segments read labels and what they look for, consumer purchase considerations in 12 key product categories, and food and beverage categories most likely to be impacted by added sugar/sweetener concerns.


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