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Study Puts Natural Pet Health Sales at $112 Million by 2009

New York -- Sales of natural pet health products totaled $45 million in 2004 and are expected to have explosive near-term growth, according to findings in Market Trends: Natural, Organic, and "Eco-Friendly" Pet Products, a new report issued by market researcher Packaged Facts. The report forecasts that by 2009, sales of natural pet health products will grow by 149 percent to $112 million in sales.

Natural pet health products include everything from botanical-based pest-control shampoos to supplements that, just as they do in humans, address stress, joint problems, oral care, and immune health.

Packaged Facts reports that product marketers in this industry consists of smaller companies for the most part, with most posting less than $1 million in annual sales. There are a few exceptions, of course: Larger players like Hartz Mountain, which markets general pet products; and Nutraceutical Corp., which produces human nutritional supplements, have crossed into the natural pet products arena from their mainstream berths.

"There's a direct correlation between consumer behavior for themselves and their pets," said Don Montuori, acquisitions editor for Packaged Facts. "People are increasingly turning toward natural, organic, and environmentally friendly products for themselves, and it's a short leap to purchasing similar products for their pets."

The study explores key competitive trends in three categories--natural pet food, natural/alternative cat litter, and natural pet health products.
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