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Sing a Simpli Song

Simpli OatShake, an all-natural oat drink launched last year in the United States, has introduced a YouTube jingle competition to get more Americans to adopt healthier drinking habits , in line with the product’s tagline, “Drink Your Oats.”

“Unlike carbonated drinks filled with chemicals and sugar, all-natural Simpli OatShake keeps you going and feeling healthy throughout the day,” say Helena Lumme and Mika Manninen, co-founders of Palm Beach Gardens, Fla.-based Simpli. “A catchy tune that sticks in your head may just be the catalyst we need to grab a healthier drink or snack.”

Contestants can record their jingle on video, post it on YouTube and e-mail the link to [email protected]. The contest ends May 1, with the winner to be revealed May 6 at the National Restaurant Association Show 2012 in Chicago, where Simpli OatShakes will receive the Food & Beverage Innovation Award.

First prize is $2,000 and official “OatShaker” status, second prize is $1,000, third prize is $500, and 25 honorable mentions will receive an OatShake T-shirt.

Available in Chocolate, Tropical Fruit and OatShake Coffee flavors, OatShake contains no dairy, eggs, wheat, nuts, soy or artificial ingredients, as well as being vegan-certified and 100 percent free of genetically modified organisms (GMOs).

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