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Robert Rich Jr. Assumes Chairman Duties at Rich Products

Buffalo, N.Y. -- By consent resolution, the board at Rich Products Corp. here elected its president and c.e.o., Robert E. Rich Jr., to succeed his father Robert E. Rich, who passed away earlier this year, as the company's chairman.

Rich, who has been with the company for 43 years, was elected president in 1978, a role that has found him playing an integral role in expanding his family firm both domestically and internationally.

"Bob has been a friend and a mentor for 24 years," said William G. Gisel, Rich Products' c.o.o. "His commitment to this business, industry and our community has made Rich's a leading company and a great place to work."

Rich was responsible for the creation of "Mission: World Class," a philosophy he championed as a framework for Rich's associates to live the company credo of "impressing our customers through quality products and services." Rich Products was awarded a national American Business Ethics Award and has received wide acclaim for its innovative Mission: World Class culture.

In May, Rich was named chairman of the National Frozen and Refrigerated Foods Association's Frozen Food Industry Scholarship Fund, which was founded by his father.

Rich Products Corp. is known around the world as the founder of the non-dairy segment of the frozen food industry, and a leading supplier and solutions provider to the foodservice, in-store bakery and retail marketplaces. As one of the world's premier family-owned food companies, Rich's annual sales exceeded $2.4 billion.
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