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PMA Study Finds Kids Eat Most Produce at Snack Time

Newark, Del. -- The majority of children across four demographic groups consume most of their fresh fruits and vegetables as snacks, according to results from a new Produce Marketing Association (PMA) consumer survey.

The study looked at produce-related attitudes and behaviors demographic segments including Baby Boomers, dual income households with kids, single-head households with kids, and Hispanic consumers. The research also confirmed that taste remains the dominant purchase influencer across all groups.

The majority, 46 percent of respondents, said their children eat most of their fresh fruits and vegetables as snacks, while 30 percent said dinner was the meal occasion when kids eat the most produce. In addition, 60 percent of all respondents said that taste/inconsistent taste is the primary barrier standing in the way of their kids' produce consumption, an issue that was mentioned by 70 percent of Hispanic consumers.

The most price-sensitive group was Hispanic consumers (54 percent), with baby boomers and dual-income households with kids next (both at 44 percent), and single-income households with kids at 33 percent.

Forty percent of total respondents said convenience is extremely important when they shop for fresh produce. The group that most often seeks convenience is Hispanic consumers, at 47 percent.

Interestingly, only 13 percent of total respondents stated that a brand name is extremely important when shopping for fresh produce. Here again, the group that said it seeks brand names the most is Hispanic consumers, at 22 percent.

Sixty-two percent of all respondents said fresh produce purchases are planned, while 24 percent said their purchases are impulse buys. The group most likely to plan their produce purchases is dual-income households with kids.

Sponsored by PMA's Information Resource Center, the research was conducted by Opinion Dynamics Corporation during May 2005. The results are statistically valid within a +/- 3 percent margin of error at a 95 percent confidence interval.
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