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Planet Organic Market Teams with Foster Parents Plan

VICTORIA, BC, Canada -- Canadian natural and organic foods supermarket chain Planet Organic Health Corp., is sponsoring 15 children from Foster Parents Plan this year. For each of its five stores across Canada, Planet Organic will sponsor three children from various countries in Asia, South America, and Africa.

The sponsorships are part of the 2006 launch of Planet Organic's Good Works program. "We get many products from throughout the world, so it is important to support children from the same countries," said Diane Shaskin, v.p. of Marketing for Planet Organic Markets. "Our staff had an opportunity to choose countries they wanted to support due to their personal empathies."

In 2006, Planet Organic plans to open stores in Ontario, and for each new store it will sponsor three more children. "Since our company prides itself on providing healthy living resources, we thought it would be a great idea to give children an opportunity to grow in a positive environment," said Shaskin. "We want these children to know people truly care about them. We want to do something good for the earth."
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