PBH to Wield 'More Matters' Effort for National Nutrition Month in March
WILMINGTON, Del. - Amid an aggressive 2008 public relations and marketing/communications agenda, the Produce for Better Health Foundation (PBH) here is gearing up to celebrate the first anniversary of the Fruits & Veggies-More Matters national health initiative during National Nutrition Month in March, as well as National Fruits & Veggies More Matters Month in September.
"Our goal for 2008 is to build on momentum generated this first year and continue to encourage moms to include more fruits and veggies in every eating occasion," said Elizabeth Pivonka, PBH's president/c.e.o. "To make this message resonate and stick with moms, we are continuing to work for a 'surround sound' approach with the goal of reaching moms in every aspect of their lives; through the news media, in the retail setting, through logo placements on packaging, through schools, and online."
One main feature of National Nutrition Month, March 2008, will be a new series of consumer tips under the slogan, "Get Smart! Fruits & Veggies-More Matters," designed to help consumers overcome traditional barriers to purchasing, preparing, and serving more fruits and veggies at every eating occasion.
Ideas and information will be organized under three different topics - As You Shop, In Your Family Dinner, and Eating On the Go -- that address separate opportunities that often present challenges to busy moms. The PBH consumer Web site, www.fruitsandveggiesmorematters.org, will feature a special section with new Get Smart information for consumers that will offer a variety of messages, materials, resources and activities targeted to each of those same sub-themes.
To help retailers and provide marketing activity content, advertising toolkits featuring the "Get Smart! Fruits & Veggies-More Matters" messages will be available to download from the PBH Web site in early January.
"Our goal for 2008 is to build on momentum generated this first year and continue to encourage moms to include more fruits and veggies in every eating occasion," said Elizabeth Pivonka, PBH's president/c.e.o. "To make this message resonate and stick with moms, we are continuing to work for a 'surround sound' approach with the goal of reaching moms in every aspect of their lives; through the news media, in the retail setting, through logo placements on packaging, through schools, and online."
One main feature of National Nutrition Month, March 2008, will be a new series of consumer tips under the slogan, "Get Smart! Fruits & Veggies-More Matters," designed to help consumers overcome traditional barriers to purchasing, preparing, and serving more fruits and veggies at every eating occasion.
Ideas and information will be organized under three different topics - As You Shop, In Your Family Dinner, and Eating On the Go -- that address separate opportunities that often present challenges to busy moms. The PBH consumer Web site, www.fruitsandveggiesmorematters.org, will feature a special section with new Get Smart information for consumers that will offer a variety of messages, materials, resources and activities targeted to each of those same sub-themes.
To help retailers and provide marketing activity content, advertising toolkits featuring the "Get Smart! Fruits & Veggies-More Matters" messages will be available to download from the PBH Web site in early January.