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PBH Reveals Key Findings From Annual Consumer Research

Produce for Better Health Foundation has released the results of its latest consumer survey, which polled 700 moms with kids 10 and under, and 600 primary shoppers.

Key findings and summary points include:

--Moms and primary shoppers most commonly cite the Internet when wanting information on how to incorporate more fruits and vegetables into daily meals and snacks, with family as the second source of information for moms. The second source of information for primary shoppers, however, is a nutritionist or dietitian, especially for male primary shoppers, single primary shoppers, and lower-income primary shoppers. Supermarkets came in third as a resource for primary shoppers wanting information about fruits and vegetables.

--All groups want more recipes, cost-saving tips, information on how to store fruits and vegetables, knowing what’s in season, new cooking techniques, and new serving suggestions, which Hockessin, Del.-based PBH notes is available on its “Fruits & Veggies—More Matters” program website.

--Cost, taste and freshness are the most important factors for moms and other primary shoppers when shopping for fruits and vegetables, and cross-marketing opportunities exist related to these factors. For example, retailers can explain that 100 percent juice, canned, dried, and frozen fruit and vegetables begin as fresh and therefore have “freshness,” as well as demonstrate to moms and primary shoppers how mixing different forms of fruits and vegetables (frozen mixed with canned, dried mixed with fresh, and so on) can help with cost and convenience, while still providing flavor and freshness.

--Moms and primary shoppers typically spend more than 30 minutes to prepare a meal; 84 percent of moms spend 30 minutes or more, versus 67 percent of primary shoppers. Single, lower-income and younger primary shoppers typically are more likely to spend less time preparing a meal than married, higher-income and older shoppers.

--Supermarket fliers and in-store signage/displays are still the most efficient communication method to influence all primary shoppers to buy a product, particularly for the female primary shopper. Supermarkets remain the top way moms and primary shoppers learn about the Fruits & Veggies—More Matters national health campaign and are influenced to buy more fruit and vegetables, thereby raising sales and consumption. Currently, 77 percent of moms believe a product is healthy and 69 percent believe it is nutritious when it carries the Fruits & Veggies—More Matters logo on the package. Among primary shoppers, 70 percent believe a product is healthy when the logo appears on the package, and 56 percent believe it’s nutritious.

--Male primary shopper data indicates that this group should be marketed to differently. Compared with female primary shoppers, they’re more likely to eat fruits and vegetables because of the energy provided, whereas female shoppers are more likely to eat them to prevent weight gain. The male shopper also more often forgets to buy fruits and vegetables, compared with the female shopper, and finds regular reminders useful. Compared with the female shopper, the male shopper thinks fruit and vegetables are more time-consuming to purchase and prepare. They will more often buy frozen, canned and dried fruit, as well as dried vegetables, 100 percent vegetable juice, and vegetable purees than other forms of fruits and vegetables. Male shoppers rank “healthy” as one of their top factors when shopping for fruits and vegetables, versus “family preferences” for female shoppers. Males also purchase more fruit and vegetables at convenience stores and gas stations, and spend less time making dinner, compared to other primary shopper groups.

Nonprofit PBH has conducted a consumer survey for the past six years. The complete summary and key point document of this year's survey can be found in the research area of the PBH Foundation website. Del Monte Fresh Produce N.A. Inc. and Produce Marketing Association co-sponsored the research.

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