Hy-Vee Donates 25K+ Gallons of Bottled Water Due to PFAS Concerns
Hy-Vee Inc. recently helped out its local community in Wisconsin by donating more than 25,000 gallons of bottled water – which equates to five semi truckloads – to the town of Campbell, a community within French Island, Wisconsin, that has been affected by per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) water contamination.
State health officials issued a water advisory for thousands of residents due to concerns stemming from the PFAS (a group of man-made chemicals) contamination of private drinking water wells.
Hy-Vee employees assisted in distributing the water to local residents on March 25. Residents from the French Island community were able to pick up two 24-packs of bottled water per person in their families, while supplies lasted. The donation was enough to supply 4,000 people for the next several days.
The grocery chain also has plans to construct a future store in the area where the former Sears in La Crosse was located.
Meanwhile, Hy-Vee is additionally conducting its 2021 Hams for the Holidays campaign, partnering with Austin, Minnesota-based Hormel Foods and local first responders. The Fourth Annual Hams for the Holidays initiative includes stops in 14 cities during March 24-31, prior to the Easter holiday. Hy-Vee employees, alongside local law enforcement, fire and EMS personnel, will hand out 5,000 Hormel Cure 81 hams to families in need throughout the company’s eight-state region.
Product will be safely loaded into customer vehicles using a contactless method to minimize physical contact and enforce social distancing. All event helpers will be wearing masks and gloves for additional safety measures.
Eemployee-owned Hy-Vee operates more than 275 retail stores across eight Midwestern states. The company is No. 33 on The PG 100, Progressive Grocer’s 2020 list of the top food and consumables retailers in North America.