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GMA Appoints Nestle Waters C.E.O. to Co-Chair Joint Industry Task Force on Disaster Preparedness

WASHINGTON -- The Grocery Manufacturers Association (GMA) said yesterday that Kim Jeffery, president and c.e.o. of Nestle Waters North America, will join J.H. Campbell Jr., president and c.e.o. of Associated Grocers, Inc., as leaders of a GMA-Food Marketing Institute (FMI) Joint Industry Task Force on Disaster Preparedness.

Approved by GMA and FMI board members at their January meeting, this task force will apply industry expertise to developing informational tools that will expedite the delivery of essential supplies to areas of the United States affected by natural disasters, such as the Gulf Coast after Hurricane Katrina.

"GMA appreciates the leadership of Nestle Waters on this task force to ensure that our member companies are in a strong position to deploy products and logistical support to areas in need," said GMA president and c.e.o. C. Manly Molpus in a statement. "We will develop guidelines and best practices to make it faster and more productive for our industry to work through government channels and donate products and supplies to charitable organizations."
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