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ASDA Sponsors Best Green Packaging Design Category at 2006 Green Awards

LEEDS, England -- Major U.K. supermarket operator ASDA will sponsor the Best Packaging Design category, one of 12 categories in which the 2006 Green Awards gives awards. According to the producers of the awards, Satellite Marketing Communications, ASDA's sponsorship will serve to lend the awards even wider appeal allow them to be taken more seriously.

The awards event is being used by the Wal-Mart-owned supermarket operator to highlight its recent efforts in support of environmentally friendly practices, such as the planned redesign of its private label products, under the ASDA brands, over the next 18 months, with the goal of reducing the weight and volume of packaging the company produces by at least 10 percent.

The retailer has already redesigned all of its salad bags, reducing the thickness of the plastic by 15 percent, and removed an unneeded cardboard sleeve from a line of its ready meals. The redesigned packaging is now set to be rolled out across many more of ASDA's food items in the next few months.

"Packaging is an essential part of retailing, but we all know we should use less of it, and anything we do use should be easy to recycle or reuse and should come from renewable and sustainable sources," SAID ASDA c.e.o. David Cheesewright in a statement. "These awards will showcase the very best examples of innovative packaging, demonstrating how a creative use of materials can dramatically minimize their impact on the environment."

Addditionally, in July the Wal-Mart-owned retailer said it would discontinue sending waste from its 307 supermarkets to landfill sites by 2010. It has also launched a complete review of its own label packaging to reduce the amount of household garbage that shoppers discard annually. The result will be that everything the supermarket operators throws away will be recycled, reused or composted instead of being sent to a landfill.
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