WPVGA Launches Summer ‘Spudster’ Contest
The Wisconsin Potato and Vegetable Growers Association (WPVGA) has launched its summer Spudster Contest for consumers, produce buyers and produce managers, in which one consumer entrant will win his-and-hers Spudsters (scooters), while two produce buyers will each win a Spudster, and one produce manager will receive the economical ride. The deadline for submissions is May 31, and the randomly selected winners will be revealed in June.
Consumers can visit www.eatwisconsinpotatoes.com to enter the Spudster Contest, as well as access creative, healthy Wisconsin potato recipes and take part in the Red, White and Blue Wisconsin Potatoes Recipe Contest.
Produce professionals wishing to win a Spudster can visit www.wisconsinpotatoes.com, where they can also download or order a free Spudster POP Poster to display in their stores. The Spudster poster offers shoppers relevant Spudster Contest information and directs them to the consumer site to register for their chance to win.
“What better way to enjoy summer than tooling around town on scooters and then heading home to enjoy Wisconsin potatoes?" asks WPVGA director of promotions and consumer education Tim Feit. “This is a great opportunity for grocers to drive summer sales in their fresh produce department, to provide their customers with a chance to win, and to enjoy the opportunity of winning something for themselves. And the high-gas-mileage scooters are a great reward --especially in an era in which gasoline prices continue to rise. It's a win-win-win situation.”
Antigo-based WPVGA provides grower education, government support, environmentally sound research and consumer education for 150 grower organizations across Wisconsin.