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Wild Oats Markets Launches National Fundraiser for Vitamin Angels

BOULDER, Colo. -- Natural and organic foods retailer Wild Oats Markets, Inc. yesterday launched a program to donate a portion of sales from each bottle of Wild Oats brand vitamins to Vitamin Angels, a nonprofit organization that provides health education and nutritional supplements to medically underserved communities around the world.

In the program, which runs through Sept. 30, each time a customer purchases a bottle of Wild Oats brand vitamins, the chain will contribute 25 cents to Vitamin Angels. By the year 2020, Vitamin Angels hope to eliminate childhood blindness through a systematic distribution of vitamin A to at-risk children around the globe.

"Wild Oats' donation during August and September will cover the cost of administering a year's supply of vitamin A capsules to nutrition programs in poverty stricken communities," said Howard B. Schiffer, founder and president of Vitamin Angels. "Through Wild Oats' generous donation, thousands of at-risk children will receive vitamin A treatments."

According to Wild Oats, Vitamin A plays an integral role in the health and development of children, and is vital to healthy vision, bone growth and boosting the immune system. Health statistics indicate there are approximately 250 million pre-school age children who are sub-clinically vitamin A deficient and that half of those children who do become blind will die each year from opportunistic infections.

"Our involvement with this global organization reinforces our mission to foster solutions to help children live healthier lives," said Perry Odak, president and c.e.o. of Wild Oats.

Recently, Wild Oats donated $250,000 worth of Wild Oats brand vitamins and supplements though Vitamin Angels to various charitable health care facilities and progrms throughout the countries of Liberia and Zambia.

Wild Oats operates 113 natural foods stores in 24 states and British
Columbia, Canada. The Company's markets include: Wild Oats Natural
Marketplace, Henry's Farmers Market, Sun Harvest and Capers Community Markets. Last year it had sales of more than $1.1 billion.

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