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Wild Oats to Celebrate Fair Trade Month in October

BOULDER, Colo. -- Natural and organic foods retailer Wild Oats Markets, Inc. here said yesterday it will celebrate the second annual Fair Trade Month in October using educational in-store materials.

Wild Oats said it aims to better define the meaning and value of Fair Trade to its customers and the public by co-sponsoring this national celebration. TransFair USA, the only independent certifier of Fair Trade products, initiated the October celebration in 2004 to highlight foods grown by farmers who are paid living wages and work under conditions that meet key environmental and labor standards.

During the month of October Wild Oats will bring awareness to the issue through educational in-store materials that direct customers to Fair Trade Certified products, Fair Trade food and beverage tastings, deals on Fair Trade products, store lectures, and other in-store activities.

"At Wild Oats we believe it is our responsibility to ensure the people who grow and manufacture our products are treated fairly and equitably," said Perry Odak, president and c.e.o. of Wild Oats Markets, in a statement. "Wild Oats Markets realizes that as a leader in the natural and organic foods industry, we have a responsibility to go beyond providing quality food to customers. Through our partnership with TransFair USA, we have extended our commitment to providing customers with Fair Trade Certified products and expect to continue to grow this commitment as more products become available."

Wild Oats is a leader in the industry in its commitment to Fair Trade and was the only supermarket in 2004 to receive straight "A's" on Oxfam America's Supermarket Report Card for Fair Trade Certified Product Support. Oxfam America is an international development and relief agency that develops services, programs, and campaigns for change in global practices and policies that keep people in poverty. Fair Trade is one of their major campaigns.
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