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Webinar: How Do You Advertise to Today's Mobile Consumer?

Today, consumers have the ability to seamlessly switch from one device to another, changing the way they interact with and respond to marketing. And while this is a very new hurdle for marketers to jump, it need not be an intimidating one.

In “Digital Advertising for the New Consumer Mobility,” a Nov. 10 webinar from the Chicago-based Path to Purchase Institute, a sister brand of Progressive Grocer, Kate Holmes, senior director of insights with online advertising firm MaxPoint Interactive Inc., will discuss these changes and offer recommendations on how marketers can adapt their digital ad strategies accordingly. Borrowing from the Morrisville, N.C.-based firm’s recently published e-book, The New Consumer Mobility: Five Changes to Master for Digital Success, she will teach attendees how to optimize ad targeting for multi-device usage and advertisable moments in unexpected places.

In addition, attendees will learn:

How to expand their thinking on location, and how to leverage that thinking in digital advertising
How the new consumer mobility has impacted consumer expectations for digital experiences along the path to purchase

The webinar, which will take place at 1 p.m. CST, is free. Click here to register.

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