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Webcast Examines America’s Multicultural Explosion

Dubbed “Super Consumers” by a recent Nielsen study, multicultural consumers drive at least 30 percent of sales, 40 percent of growth and 50 percent of profits across all product categories. Multicultural consumers today are young, sophisticated and multi-dimensional who speak English or are bilingual, and whose passion points are born from both their heritage and the values of their generations. This evolution of multicultural consumers is challenging retailers to redefine their multicultural customer base and to adjust how they do business.

A free webcast will be held Tuesday, June 23 at 2 p.m. EDT featuring two well-respected multicultural experts – Terry Soto, president and CEO of About Marketing Solutions Inc., and Carlos Santiago, president and chief strategist for Santiago Solutions Group. They will explore the challenges and opportunities faced by retailers and CPG firms when marketing to multicultural consumers.

Brought to you by Multicultural Retail 360 Summit (formerly Hispanic Retail 360 Summit), the webinar will focus on research, trends and best practices for engaging and serving the growing multicultural consumer segments in the United States, including Hispanic, Asian-American and African-American shoppers.

First, Soto will describe how today’s multicultural consumers factor in both tradition and generational influences and how their juxtaposition shapes preferences and shopping behavior. You’ll come away with actionable solutions to improve your retail relevancy among today’s multicultural consumers.

Then, Santiago will preview the new AHAA CPG-Retailer AdSpend study, which will be released at the Multicultural Retail 360 Summit. He will share where Hispanic-dedicated allocations among the Top 500 advertisers have been -- despite the recent Total Market movement -- where it is heading, and what impact these Hispanic-dedicated investments have had on their overall company growth.

The webcast is free. Register at


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