Vitamin D is Important

After all of the MRIs, x-rays and medications, I found out I had a vitamin D deficiency. Then after just a few days of taking vitamin D supplements, the pain was gone.  I also discovered that 40 percent of people in the Unoted States are deficient in vitamin D. 

Vitamin D is an important micronutrient with major health benefits, including improved immunity and stronger bones. It's a fat-soluble vitamin that you can get, of course, from vitamin D-rich items like salmon, herring, sardines, cod liver oil, canned tuna, oysters, shrimp, egg yolks and mushrooms. Our body is also able to make it through sun exposure.

Vitamin D is also essential for maintaining strong teeth, and keeps your immune system healthy by facilitating the absorption of calcium and phosphorus. There are also foods like milk that add vitamin D, and there are supplements. Remember that one of the best ways to get your fix is getting at least five to as much as 30 minutes of sun exposure daily. And for those struggling with their weight, research finds that adequate amounts of vitamin D may enhance weight loss, decrease body fat and limit weight gain.

There are several theories. Some studies show that vitamin D could potentially stop the formation of new fat cells in the body, while others show it technically can also prevent storage of fat cells, effectively reducing fat accumulation. Vitamin D can increase levels of serotonin, and this plays a role in controlling your appetite and can increase satiety and increase the levels of testosterone. 

It’s recommended that adults 19 to 70 years old get at least 600 IU (15 micrograms) of vitamin D per day.  Get a blood test and find out.

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