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Value-added, Organic Produce Remains Hot

Value-added and organic produce continue to be hot tickets in supermarket produce departments, according to the latest insights revealed in United Fresh Produce Association’s 2016 Q2 edition of the Fresh Facts on Retail report.

The Washington, D.C.-based association’s quarterly publication examines retail trends in produce for the past quarter, including a spotlight on fresh produce annual spending by region.

“The regionality of fresh produce section will help our members adjust their strategy for planning sales and promotions in different markets,” said Jeff Oberman, VP, trade relations at United Fresh and the association’s retail-foodservice board staff liaison.

The current Q2 report also features category deep dives on berries, packaged salad and potatoes, all of which are purchased by more than 75 percent percent of households annually.

Produced in partnership with the Nielsen Perishables Group and sponsored by Del Monte Fresh Produce, the FreshFacts at Retail report measures retail price and sales trends for the top 10 fruit and vegetable commodities as well as other value-added produce categories.

It can be downloaded free for all United Fresh members or $50 for non-members here

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