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Understanding Shoppers Key to In-Store Marketing Success: Research

For a campaign to be successful, marketers must tailor it to shoppers' preferences and include media that drives them to buy, according to findings presented this week by consumer intelligence firm BIGresearch at the Promotion Marketing Association's first annual Shopper Marketing Summit in Minneapolis. The research showed, for instance, that 71.6 percent of Kroger shoppers and 59.2 percent of Safeway shoppers say coupons influence their grocery purchases.

"Consumer insights are an important building block for shopper marketing campaigns," noted Kim Rayburn, s.v.p. at Worthington, Ohio-based BIGresearch. "Marketers should base promotions off what their shoppers actually want, not what they think they should want to increase ROI."

Among the additional findings:

--Although Kroger shoppers are more influenced by coupons than Safeway shoppers, this type of media is most likely to influence both groups in their grocery purchases. Newspaper inserts are the next most popular influence (51.1 percent for Kroger shoppers and 48.5 percent for Safeway shoppers). In-store promotion rounds out the top three, with 45.9 percent of Kroger shoppers and 43.5 percent of Safeway shoppers saying the media influences their grocery purchases.

--According to Kroger shoppers, the in-store promotion that influences/greatly influences them the most is product samples (60.6 percent), followed by shelf coupons (47.8 percent) and store loyalty cards (47.6 percent).

--Product samples (58.5 percent) are also most likely to influence/greatly influence Safeway shoppers, but reading product labels (48.9 percent) ranked second for them. Store loyalty cards came in third, chosen by 46.6 percent of Safeway shoppers.

--Over one-third, or 34.3 percent, of Kroger shoppers buy their health and beauty products at Wal-Mart, and 22.5 percent of Safeway shoppers get their prescriptions at Walgreens.

--Over 75 percent of both Kroger and Safeway shoppers said that gas prices are affecting their spending. A similar percentage of Kroger shoppers and Safeway shoppers (28.8 percent and 28.0 percent, respectively) said that they're spending less on groceries because of fluctuating gas prices.
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