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Tesco Launches Google Glass-enabled Service

Tesco in the U.K. is the first grocery retailer to launch a basic version of its shopping app for Google Glass eyewear.

Tesco Labs developed the Tesco Grocery Glassware, which lets shoppers using the wearable device browse products, view nutritional information, and add items to their online shopping basket hands-free to review and order by computer, tablet or mobile. The Glassware works alongside customers’ grocery accounts.

“We want to ensure we have the means in place to allow customers to shop whenever and however they want, which is why we’re testing the possibilities of customers topping up their online basket with Glass,” said Pablo Coberly, innovation engineer at Tesco Labs. “We don’t envisage Glass becoming the new platform for shopping as its functionality is different, and more immediate. Instead, it compliments other devices and integrates shopping into everyday life because products can be ordered or added as and when customers realize they need replacing.”

The future of the Tesco Grocery Glassware, he added, will be driven by customer feedback, needs and demand.


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