SpartanNash Driving Supply Chain and Sustainability Improvements
SpartanNash is taking a big step in making its carbon footprint smaller. The Michigan-based retailer and distributor reports that it is slashing 10% of its total fleet mileage.
By optimizing efficiencies, SpartanNash plans to cut its fleet mileage by more than seven million miles annually while still on pace to meet demand. Collaborations with logistics partners are key to driving supply chain efficiencies that will maximize the delivery and transportation of goods, company officials said.
Explained David Petko, SpartanNash's SVP and chief supply chain officer: “Network optimization is a key component of our supply chain transformation initiative as well as an opportunity to make significant progress with regard to our ESG [environmental, social and governance] journey. When food is traveling fewer miles, everyone wins – our customers, our consumers and our planet.”
Ultimately, the company estimates, the efforts to streamline and optimize the supply chain will save a million gallons of diesel fuel a year, which equals the carbon sequestered by more than 150,000 tree seedlings grown for 10 years.
Earlier this year, SpartanNash announced plans to transform its supply chain operations, investing in technologies and transportation improvements over a multi-year period.
SpartanNash’s core businesses include distributing grocery products to independent and chain retailers, its corporate-owned retail stores, and U.S. military commissaries and exchanges, as well as fresh produce distribution and fresh food processing. No. 39 on The PG 100, Progressive Grocer’s 2021 list of the top food and consumables retailers in North America, the Grand Rapids, Mich.-based company serves customer locations in all 50 states and the District of Columbia, Europe, Cuba, Puerto Rico, Honduras, Iraq, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar and Djibouti. SpartanNash operates over 150 supermarkets, mainly under the banners of Family Fare, Martin’s Super Markets, D&W Fresh Market, VG’s Grocery and Dan’s Supermarket.