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Smoking Cessation Sales Reach $1B

A new Mintel report has found that sales of smoking cessation products are forecast to increase 3 percent from 2011-12, reaching $1 billion, and will continue to grow through 2017, attaining $1.2 billion in sales.

“As more Americans put out their cigarettes, the market for smoking cessation products is expected to grow, despite challenging economic circumstances,” said Emily Krol, health and wellness analyst at Chicago-based Mintel. “However, smoking cessation brands face certain challenges. A declining number of smokers, as well as increased smoking bans and taxes on cigarettes, are shrinking the market of potential users. Growth opportunities for this market will be found in product innovation and line extensions.”

According to the report, 60 percent of Americans who now smoke or have stopped in the past said that “it’s hard to motivate myself to quit, because I enjoy it,” while 60 percent admitted that “health warnings about smoking scare me.” Nearly half (48 percent) feel strongly that they would be able to quit smoking at any time, however.

Further, among those Americans who have quit in the past or want to quit, more than four in 10 (41 percent) said gaining weight is their biggest deterrent to giving up cigarettes. Of those worried about weight gain, 54 percent are women and 31 percent are men.

“To help with this challenge, smoking cessation brands can proactively provide healthy solutions and tips to help consumers feel more confident in their ability to quit smoking and keep their weight where they want it,” notes Krol.

Of anti-smoking products currently on the market, 41 percent of Americans interested in quitting said they’d like to try OTC nicotine sprays, and 41 percent a prescription nicotine inhaler. Forty percent would opt for OTC nicotine replacement lozenges and 38 percent are interested in nicotine-free cigarettes.

Of non-nicotine replacement-based methods, 35 percent of Americans want to try hypnosis, 34 percent acupuncture and some 37 percent would try individual therapy or a support group specifically for smokers. Additionally, 30 percent of people are willing to try a quit-smoking app via smartphone or tablet.

From the many smoking cessation options already available, consumers have their own ideas for products to help manage the craving. Of those who’ve previously quit smoking or would like to quit, almost half (48 percent) would be interested in a nutrition bar or a drink to help them quit smoking, and 46 percent would try a lollipop containing low amounts of nicotine.

When trying different products, it’s very important to 61 percent of Americans who’ve quit in the past or are interested in quitting that they don’t have a craving to smoke, and 59 percent said they want it to be inexpensive. At the same time, 56 percent said they want a product that’s easy to understand and 54 percent believe a pleasant taste is very important. Finally, one in five (25 percent) said it’s very important to have an in-person support system or coach.

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