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Safeway’s Adams Named Floral Marketer of the Year

Safeway’s VP and GM of corporate floral, Traci Adams was named Floral Marketer of the Year by the Produce Marketing Association (PMA) during its Fresh Summit International Convention held last week in Anaheim, Calif.

The award, in its 32nd year, recognizes an outstanding floral professional who has served the mass-market floral industry with dedication and distinction.

Presenting the award to Adams was 2011 award winner and consultant to the international floral industry, Dr. Terril Nell. “She not only has vision, but she is also a master at making that vision happen,” said Nell. “Her unique vision for floral departments has effectively raised the bar for the competition. Her creativity and innovation is reflected in cutting-edge new products and fresh marketing initiatives.”

Colleagues who nominated Adams commended her for her love of being a part of other people’s success, and for sharing credit for achievements with the team. She is known for continually growing the floral business in sales and profitability by focusing on quality and creative packaging and products. They also noted she has made great gains in working with suppliers on sustainable packaging initiatives and on in-house conservation, recycling and composting efforts at the corporate and store levels.

“She always aims to make sure the whole team has fun when working,” Nell read from nominators’ comments about Adams. “Having fun is a common thread for her, not only at work, but also in life.”

Saturday’s reception also included a town hall meeting at which volunteer leaders of PMA's Floral Council discussed plans for a new floral membership model. In response to industry requests, council leaders have been exploring opportunities that will allow grassroots floral community involvement dedicated to a particular set of objectives that will support the floral industry, while also being connected to the association.

"Our floral members have asked for a place they can call home, a strong community that will allow them to have a more active voice on important issues and to provide more value and business solutions to help the industry grow,” Floral Council chair Michael Schrader, floral director for Schnuck Markets Inc., St. Louis, told reception attendees. “We heard you, and will need a high level of industry involvement and volunteerism to bring this to life."

The council plans to host other town hall meetings to discuss plans with industry.  A dedicated floral pavilion is also planned for Fresh Summit 2013, to build awareness, engage floral buyers and provide easy access.

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