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RILA Backs Overturn of ‘Ambush Elections’

The Retail Industry Leaders Association (RILA) expressed regret that S. J. Res. 36, a joint resolution disapproving of the National Labor Relations Board’s (NLRB) “ambush elections” rule, failed to pass the U.S. Senate.

"While we are disappointed with the outcome of today's vote, we will continue to fight to overturn the NLRB's ill-conceived decision," said Katherine Lugar, EVP for public affairs at Arlington, Va.-based RILA.

S. J. Res. 36 protects employers’ free speech and due process rights during a union election and ensures employees have access to critical information and time to consider the issues at hand prior to entering the voting booth,” explained Lugar. “RILA enthusiastically supports this resolution and urges the senators to vote yes.”

According to NLRB data cited by RILA, the average unionization election takes place 31 days after valid petitions are presented. The ambush election rule could shorten that period to as little as 10 days. Without congressional intervention, the rule will take effect at the end of this month.

The ambush elections rule, in addition to another NLRB decision that creates micro-bargaining units, undermines employee and employer rights, and stifles job creation, RILA maintains, adding that these issues are particularly important in retail, where a cross-trained workforce is optimal and free movement between departments is often necessary.

“If the recent NLRB decisions on ambush elections and micro-bargaining units are allowed to stand, today’s front-line employees will be denied the cross-training and advancement opportunities enjoyed by their predecessors,” noted Lugar.

RILA issued a Key Vote Alert last week, ahead of today’s vote. Last month, the association pushed for the Senate to take up and pass the resolution.

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