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QRS Announces Tradeweave Retail Price Analyzer

Richmond, Calif. - QRS Corporation, provider of global sourcing and supply chain management solutions for the retail industry, on Friday announced the availability of a new service for the grocery industry. QRS' Tradeweave Retail Price Analyzer combines retail data with robust analysis tools to provide retail intelligence that helps retailers monitor the competitive landscape. Retail Price Analyzer is the latest addition to the Tradeweave Retail Network, an integrated suite of business intelligence, service and technology platforms for the global retail industry.

Tradeweave Retail Price Analyzer combines retail pricing information along with an analytic tool, accessible via the Web, to provide a new level of service to retailers in the grocery industry. Moving beyond gathering and delivering retail pricing data, the new Tradeweave Retail Price Analyzer is a comprehensive service that gives retailers a greater range of information to help them make better informed pricing and promotion decisions. The service gives retailers a concise understanding of their competitive positioning and a way of analyzing their pricing and promotion strategies within the larger framework of the markets in which they compete.

This Web-based service, accessed via, is offered within the grocery channel and provides retailers across the country with access to comprehensive, real-time pricing data - enabling immediate pricing actions - as well as more than a year of historical data for long-range strategic pricing and promotion planning. QRS gathers quantitative and qualitative pricing information - including base and sale price, as well as type of sale - for the 500 top selling branded and private-label grocery items in more than 80 U.S. markets. Retailers can use Retail Price Analyzer for detailed comparisons, trending, reporting, graphing and rules-based analysis - all of which help users improve sales and drive profits.

Ukrop's Super Markets, a grocery retailer that operates more than 25 retail food stores in the mid-Atlantic region, selected QRS' Retail Price Analyzer to enable Ukrop's to determine and adjust pricing and promotion strategies based on current, geographically targeted competitive data.

"We selected QRS' Retail Price Analyzer to improve our pricing strategy. There is no other comparable service on the market today that delivers this type of immediate access to current and historical data necessary for both long- and short-term pricing decisions as well as the development of an overall merchandising strategy," said Kevin Hade vice president of category management for Ukrop's Super Markets. "In the grocery industry where profit margins are slim, such an advantage is critical to survival.
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