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Product Packaging Trends for 2016 & Beyond


By Joel Goldstein, president, Mr. Checkout

Standing out on store shelves can be difficult, but with the right package design, your product can catch the eye of every consumer that passes by. What will consumers be looking for in 2016? Here are the top product packaging trends predicted for this year:


As more and more consumers begin to live health-conscious lifestyles, they expect brands to be straightforward and transparent when it comes to packaging. Consumers want to be able to pick up a product and immediately know what ingredients are inside and what health benefits the product offers. The catch here is that these consumers don’t want to be overloaded with claims, they want them presented in a clean, easy-to-read manner.

This same group of consumers also responds well to transparent packaging that gives them a glimpse at the product inside. Transparency in both the labeling and packaging conveys to the consumer that the brand has nothing to hide and is not making any false statements about the quality of the product.


According to Mintel, reusable packaging is a key factor when determining whether or not to buy a product for 63 percent of consumers. When comparing products, if price and quality are believed to be equal, then the consumer begins to factor in sustainability to make a purchase decision. Because this trend is expected to grow even more in the next few years, it’s imperative that brands start to capitalize on it now to stay relevant in the marketplace.


When it comes to packaging, consumers do not want a one-size-fits-all approach. Consumers that are shopping for the entire family want to see value-size products that offer discounts for purchasing larger amounts, while Millennials look for packages on the other end of the size spectrum. This group of consumers looks for trial-sized options that allow them to try new brands or products without committing to a full-size portion. It’s important for brands to know that 61 percent of the market is made up of one- or two-person households, meaning that most consumers will buy products with a smaller serving size. Wholesale distributors will be able to tell you which sizes should be at which retailers based on their knowledge of the customer base.


Consumers no longer want rigid, structured packaging and instead prefer packages made from flexible materials. These products are easier to store in both the pantry and the refrigerator, and also can be packed to carry along to work for adults and school for little ones. Wholesale distributors and retailers also prefer this packaging since it takes up less space on the shelf and is easier to sell. If the packaging is for a product with multiple servings, it should also have reusable features such as a tight seal across the top.

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