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Poor Parenting, Food Choices Cause Childhood Obesity?

Thirty-four percent of Americans think poor parenting and poor food choices cause childhood obesity, according to the results of a recent Poll Position national scientific telephone survey.

The survey asked, “Do you think childhood obesity is a disease, or is it caused by poor parenting, poor food choices, or both?”
Thirty-four percent of respondents said both poor parenting and poor food choices cause childhood obesity, 29 percent said poor parenting, 24 percent said poor food choices and 4 percent thought childhood obesity was a disease; 9 percent did not offer an opinion.

Men and women differed in their views on the causes of childhood obesity.

Among men, 35 percent said poor parenting causes childhood obesity, 31 percent selected both poor parenting and poor food choices, 22 percent said it was poor food choices and 4 percent said it was a disease; 8 percent offered no opinion.

Thirty-six percent of women thought both poor parenting and poor food choices cause childhood obesity, 27 percent said it is caused by poor food choices, 24 percent said poor parenting and 3 percent said it is a disease; 10 percent did not offer an opinion.

Poll Position also offered a breakdown of survey participants by age, race, gender and political affiliation. The scientific telephone survey of 1,145 registered voters nationwide was conducted Jan. 17 and has a margin of error of plus or minus 3 percent.

Internet users are invited to vote in the online companion poll and comment.

Poll Position is a non-partisan news, polling and social media company founded and lead by two award-winning CNN news and polling veterans.


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