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Participate in the 2013 Food & Beverage Industry Study

The Food & Beverage industry currently faces many critical questions. How will it respond to the Affordable Care Act? Are digital marketing and social media major strategic initiatives for next year? What factor most influenced 2013 sales growth?

Stagnito Media is a proud sponsor of the 2013 Food & Beverage Industry Study, which is being managed by WeiserMazars. As an industry leader and decision maker, we invite you to participate. Please take 10 minutes to share your insight into market trends and the overall state of the sector.

Respondents will receive the survey results in advance of their public release along with priority access to WeiserMazars events including presentations of the results, networking functions and industry outlook seminars.

Responses are confidential, compiled by an independent outside firm, with the results aggregated and blinded so no data is linked to any individual or company.

Our survey is mobile friendly and therefore convenient to complete at your desk or on the go. Thank you for helping to delineate the key issues facing our industry.

Thank you for your support! The survey is available here.

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