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It Is The Grocery Channel’s Turn To Spark Sales With Gesturetek
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It Is The Grocery Channel’s Turn To Spark Sales With Gesturetek

GestureTek CEO and co-founder Vincent John Vincent
Vincent John Vincent, GestureTek CEO and co-founder

GestureTek is a trailblazer in bringing interactive display technology to major companies around the globe, from Target and Gap to Procter & Gamble and Kraft Foods. Its engaging interactive wall and floor advertising displays produce validated positive results across hundreds of industries.

Now is the grocery sector’s time, said GestureTek CEO and co-founder Vincent John Vincent in an interview with Progressive Grocer.

Tell us about GestureTek and its track record across myriad industries. 

Vincent John Vincent: GestureTek is the name given to a process by which consumers effortlessly interact with audio-visual displays through hand and body movements (“gestures”). Consumers can do this deliberately, or the system can do it automatically, to capture the consumer’s attention. For example, GestureTek’s visual projections on floors, or walls or screens react to consumers simply passing by.

The GestureTek unit creates a unique series of experiences for consumers through visual projections, typically beamed from the ceiling. We invented this and were awarded over 60 patents over the years. We have created thousands of installations in diverse public settings like theme parks, museums, airports, malls, hospitals, non-grocery retailers and even for NASA.

GestureTek is now looking at pilot project opportunities in the grocery sector specifically. We see so much opportunity wasted in grocery stores because of all the unused floor space. To us, that floor space is a huge, beautiful canvas!

We can design fabulous next-generation consumer engagement for our brand partners, and we can help grocery stores boost their revenue at the same time. Even in GestureTek’s early days, Nielsen/Arbitron determined that use of our system generated positive behavior by consumers. We have always known that GestureTek raises the bar in consumer engagement.

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How do you see the grocery industry benefitting from your technology?

VJV: We have a revenue-sharing model for the grocery stores. For the retailer, it’s pure profit. Grocers receive money on a recurring basis that they did not have before. GestureTek pays all the costs of installation and maintenance of our systems, and GestureTek shares with the store a fee that consumer product brands pay to use the service.

Also, grocery stores benefit from other information uses that GestureTek can be applied toward, such as reminding shoppers of specials or other messages. GestureTek adds a modern “cool factor” to the store setting.

Consumers today are seeking “experiences” that make them want to return to that destination. The public has become accustomed to the concept of “interacting” with digital hardware/software and things continue moving in this direction.

Grocery stores have been missing a positive opportunity in this regard. GestureTek can help with that.

How can retailers and brands get involved with GestureTek?

VJV:  Easy — drop me an e-mail at [email protected] or call (416) 340-9290, Ext. 1001. My colleagues and I will start to fill you in regarding options that could be tested in appropriate settings. Contact is equally welcome from both the grocery sector and consumer product companies. The creative opportunities are endless. We don’t run out of ideas at GestureTek.

GestureTek can be as helpful to small brands who need to boost consumer attention as GestureTek is useful to top brands who want to sustain their primacy. Literally everyone wins with the arrival of GestureTek in supermarkets. The grocery stores see more revenue. The product brands get an additional marketing opportunity in the coveted “in-store” environment, where last minute impulse buying is viable. Even consumers get a shopping experience worth returning for. It’s a winning concept, all around.

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