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Lovette Departs Tyson; Poultry, Fresh Meats Management Restructured

SPRINGDALE, Ark. -- A long-time senior executive of Tyson Foods, Inc. here is leaving the company amid a host of changes in the senior management ranks of its poultry and fresh meats operations.

Bill Lovette, senior group v.p./poultry and prepared foods, is leaving the company and his position will not be filled. The three executives who have been reporting to Lovette -- Donnie King, group v.p./poultry and prepared foods, Bernard Leonard, group v.p./foodservice and Scott McNair, group v.p./consumer products --will now report directly to President and CEO Richard L. Bond.

"These changes are designed to help us make the best use of our talent
in addressing the continuing challenges of the beef and pork business," said Bond. "Tyson Fresh Meats has significantly improved its performance over the past year, especially given the market factors outside our control. However, we believe there is even more progress to be made."

The leadership of Tyson's beef and pork business is also being restructured. James Lochner will continue managing Tyson's beef and pork business as senior group v.p./Tyson Fresh Meats but will leave Tyson headquarters in Springdale to return to Dakota Dunes, S.D., where Tyson Fresh Meats is based. Lochner will also continue to oversee Tyson's Commodity Trading and Risk Management Group.

Noel White, a long-time member of the Tyson Fresh Meats leadership team,
has been named s.v.p./pork margin management, where he will focus solely on the effective management of the company's pork business. He will continue to report to Lochner.

Chris Daniel, previously s.v.p./specialty products, is now s.v.p./beef margin management and will oversee the buying and selling side of the company's beef business. Also reporting to Lochner, many of Daniel's management duties in specialty products are being shifted to Jeff Webster, who will now be s.v.p. of the newly created Tyson Renewable Products Division, where he will continue to oversee the company's renewable energy unit. Also reporting directly to Bond, Webster will also manage the production and sale of most specialty products made primarily from poultry by-products.

Read DuPriest, group director/strategy, will assume Webster's responsibilities in managing corporate strategy and development and will report to Wade Miquelon, c.f.o. Dan Brooks, an operations executive with Tyson Fresh Meats, is now s.v.p./beef production operations, where he will oversee the company's nine North American beef plants and managing the company's hides and tanning facilities. Meanwhile, Jim Schmitz, another Tyson Fresh Meats executive, is now v.p./pork production operations and will oversee the company's six pork plants.

Brooks and Schmitz will report to Lochner, as will Jerry Holbrook, a long-time sales and marketing executive with Tyson Fresh Meats, who will now serve as v.p./fresh meats field sales.
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