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Larry's Markets Brings Berries from Field to Shelf the Same Day

SEATTLE--From Saturday, June 11 through Sunday, June 19, Larry's Market will sell fresh local strawberries picked just hours before. The strawberries, grown in the nearby Puyallup valley, will be picked and trucked immediately to each of Larry's Markets six units.

Throughout the week-long "Strawberry Encounters" promotion, each store will feature a "market report board" announcing the expected arrival time of that day's berries. Any strawberries not sold by the end of the day will be removed from the display, the company said.

"Strawberries that are shipped in from out of market are bred for lower brix -- a measure of sugar levels -- to increase shelf-life," said Michael Burrington, produce and floral buyer at Larry's Markets. "This leads to a less flavorful piece of fruit. Through 'Strawberry Encounters' and our speed from field to store, we are able to provide customers the best possible product available and set an example for what customers should be demanding from neighborhood markets."

Logistics and speed to market are crucial to the promotion. The company has partnered with Bob Duris from Fred's Berry Farm and other farmers in the Puyallup valley, making it possible to coordinate the picking and delivery schedule directly with the farms for a speedy arrival.

In addition to the fresh berries, Larry's Markets also will be offering samples, tips and ideas for how to use the field fresh fruit.
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