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Kellogg Testing New Cereal Boxes Amid High Hopes

In an experiment that it says marks the most significant innovation in cereal boxes since the 1950s, the Kellogg Co. last month embarked with Detroit retailers on a six-month test of a new consumer-friendly, space-saving box for its cereal brands that could potentially redefine the cereal aisle.

The test with the new boxes -- which offer the same amount of product with less packaging -- is designed to produce valuable insights to help the Battle Creek, Mich.-based company potentially launch a full-scale U.S. rollout of the optimized box configuration, which enables Kellogg to reduce the package size without decreasing the amount of food.

According to Kim Miller, VP of morning foods marketing, Kellogg Co., "The test of this new space-saving packaging is part of our ongoing commitment to identify solutions that help us meet the needs of our retail partners and consumers."

The test will occur over a six-month period with participating Wal-Marts and Krogers in the Motor City, metrics for evaluating the success of which will include consumer acceptance, retailer feedback and expected internal efficiencies, noted Miller.

"Our Detroit Wal-Mart and Kroger partners were chosen as the test retailers because of the quality statistical matches they provide, meaning these retailers are the most likely to provide us with an accurate, nationally representative snapshot of consumer acceptance," explained John Ferro, director of commercialization, Kellogg Co.

The new packaging is designed to better meet consumer desire for more pantry space. In addition to helping shoppers save space at home, the new boxes being tested could also aid retailers in providing more varieties of products for consumers.

"The new test boxes will contain the same amount of the food people love and will fit more easily into consumers' pantries," said Miller. "The new compact packaging also allows for more efficient use of retailer space, and enables retailers to offer a wider variety of products."

Not only is the new packaging expected to help consumers save space in their pantries and help retailers make efficient use of shelf space, but it could also help protect and preserve natural resources by using an average of 8 percent less packaging material per cereal box.

The company declined to provide information on further packaging information, "but Kellogg…is always looking for ways to allow retailers to make more efficient use of shelf space and to enable them to offer wider varieties of products," said Ferro. "As well, we are committed to identifying solutions that help us fulfill our mission of consumer relevancy. Packaging tests such as the one in Detroit are just one way we can help meet the needs of consumers."

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