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HEB Now Pumping E-85 Fuel in Texas

SAN ANTONIO - H.E. Butt Grocery Co. yesterday began offering E-85 at five of its fuel stations, in Schertz, Buda, Austin, Killeen, and Waco, Texas. The retailer said earlier this summer it was planning to introduce the alternative fuel at selected locations along IH-35 to serve drivers of flex-fuel vehicles.

HEB said the E-85 will be 30 cents less expensive per gallon than unleaded gasoline. E-85 is a blended fuel that includes 15 percent gasoline and 85 percent ethanol, which is produced from corn and other grain products grown in the United States.

"We have deep Texas roots and an unwavering commitment to doing what's right for our customers, and they've made it clear they want an alternative to foreign oil," said James Aulds, HEB v.p. of petroleum marketing, in a statement. "Our customers will also appreciate the fact that E-85 is less expensive and cleaner burning than traditional gasoline."

According to the National Ethanol Vehicle Coalition, E-85 has the highest oxygen content of any transportation fuel, making it burn cleaner than gasoline with as much as 39 to 46 percent fewer greenhouse gas emissions such as carbon dioxide.

More than 450,000 Texas drivers already own flex-fuel vehicles but don't have the opportunity to benefit from the advantages of using E-85 because the fuel is not yet widespread in Texas, according to HEB.
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