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GMA Launches Food Safety Web Site

The Grocery Manufacturers Association yesterday introduced, an online food safety policy information resource for policymakers, the media, and consumers.

"Food safety is in the news today like no other time in recent history and is the subject of intense debate in Washington, D.C.," noted GMA s.v.p. and chief science & regulatory affairs officer Robert Brackett. " is intended to be a resource for congressional staff, thought leaders, and the media, helping to keep them informed and up to date on the public debate around strengthening America's food safety net."

Added Brackett: "There has never been a better time for Congress to pass and implement a new plan to modernize our nation's food safety system, prevent problems before they arise, and strengthen the oversight of the agencies that regulate our food supply. Americans have a right to safe food."

GMA represents the world's top food, beverage and consumer products companies. Its board of directors comprises c.e.o.'s from the association's member companies.
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