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GMA Embraces Mandatory Recall Authority for FDA

WASHINGTON -- Speaking out on the government's role in food safety, Grocery Manufacturers Association (GMA) president and c.e.o. Cal Dooley said yesterday that the trade group embraces mandatory recall authority for the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in certain circumstances, one of the elements of plan put forth yesterday by the White House Interagency Working Group on Import Safety.

Dooley also said he welcomed the Working Group's focus on prevention, as well as its call for more resources for the FDA. The group's recommendation "reflects many of the components of our [food Safety] proposal that was released in September," Dooley said in a statement. "In addition, GMA and its member companies support the Bush Administration's proposal to give the FDA mandatory recall authority."

The White House Interagency Working Group on Import Safety yesterday released its plan for improving the safety of food and consumer products sourced overseas. The foundation of the plan is prevention -- seeking ways to prevent food-related contaminations and outbreaks before they happen.

In addition to promoting mandatory recall authority for the FDA in certain circumstances, the proposal includes a series of regulatory and legislative solutions for improving the safety of imported foods and food ingredients.

"GMA believes mandatory recall authority should be granted to FDA to expedite the agency's ability to more rapidly respond whenever there is a significant risk of an adverse outcome, or whenever food companies refuse FDA's request to voluntarily recall a product," explained Dooley.
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