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FMI, Partners Launch Brochure on Healthy Lifestyles

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- A new brochure to help consumers s eat healthfully is being launched cooperatively by the International Food Information Council (IFIC) Foundation, the Food Marketing Institute (FMI) here and the United States Department of Agriculture Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion (USDA/CNPP).

The brochure, titled "Your Personal Path to Health: Steps to a Healthier You!" builds upon the advice provided by the Web site. Organizers said it provides realistic, manageable tips on how consumers can incorporate healthful eating habits and physical activity into their daily lives.

"Consumers tell us that they want to be healthier, but don't know how to easily incorporate beneficial steps into their busy lives," said Susan T. Borra, president of the IFIC Foundation. "This new brochure, in conjunction with the Web site, provides consumers with a roadmap on how to take small steps for better health, which they can personalize to fit their lifestyles."

Your Personal Path to Health provides tips on understanding MyPyramid's five food groups plus oils; managing portion sizes; eating out at restaurants; being physically active; and budgeting calories for treats, sweets, and caloric beverages.

"Supermarkets across the country are working to give consumers the clear, consistent and commonsense dietary guidance they seek," said Dagmar Farr, FMI's group v.p. of legislative and consumer affairs. "This brochure, well-grounded in the MyPyramid program, is an excellent resource, which food retailers everywhere can share with customers."

Your Personal Path to Health: Steps to a Healthier You! is available free to consumers at USDA Community Extension Offices, supermarkets, and on the IFIC Foundation Web site at:
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