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Egg Producers Vouch for Chickens' Welfare

ATLANTA - As consumer concern grows about how food-producing animals are treated, retailers are looking for ways to show they're interested, too. A new certification logo from Atlanta-based United Egg Producers may help.

The logo will appear on egg cartons from farms that adhere to the new animal care guidelines released by the Food Marketing Institute and the National Council of Chain Restaurants in June. Egg producers representing about 80 percent of the industry have already signed on to participate in the program, according to UEP officials. Those producers will continue to be audited yearly through an independent certification program to ensure the standards are being met.

"Since June, we have been overwhelmed by calls from consumers, retailers, and restaurants wanting to know how they can get eggs from certified farms. This new certification logo makes it easy," said Ken Klippen, United Egg Producers VP.

For more information on the UEP guidelines, call (202) 842-2345.
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