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Discount Grocery Stores a Hit With Early Morning News

Both The Early Show (CBS) and Good Morning America (ABC) recently featured stories about the increasing popularity among discount grocers Save-A-Lot, Grocery Outlet, and Aldi among today's frugal shoppers.

“They do have a lot to offer, from fresh fruits and veggies to canned goods at a fraction of the price,” said CBS correspondent Susan Koeppen. “Shoppers at these stores include those who need to save money, to those who want to.”

One Save-A-Lot shopper interviewed said she shopped there because “money’s really tight, and it goes a lot further here.”

Koeppen did a price comparison between a box of Chex Cereal from a Save-A-lot and one from a New York grocery chain. Save-A-Lot’s price: $2.79. The New York grocer’s price on the same item was $4.49.

The ABC report also focused on the three major discount, or limited-assortment chains, showing how they are able to offer reduced prices by typically offering only one brand and one size of each product.

Consumers are noticing this, and are flocking to these stores, the report said. As a result, at a time when typical grocery stores revenues are flat, those of the discounters are steadily growing.

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