For Deli Sandwiches, Different is Good
Spring is a time of new beginnings – even for something simple like sandwiches. Deli operators looking to put a new spring into their seasonal sales can promote or sell sandwiches with a different type of look and taste, using fresh produce from their own stores and suppliers.
One chef, Bob Villeneuve of Canada-based Maple Leaf Foods’ Dempster’s brand, recommends using spring produce as a way to differentiate the typical sandwich ingredients and to showcase a store’s offerings of fresh vegetables.
An example is to incorporate the spring crop of asparagus. Villeneuve recommends adding asparagus to a favorite breakfast sandwich like eggs benedict. He also suggests adding fresh leeks to basic chicken salad, along with spinach and feta cheese. Even spring fruits can be a between-the-bread ingredients, with strawberries paired with goat cheese on a sandwich.