Bruce Foods Chief Joins GMA Board
J.S. “Si” Brown, president of Louisiana-based Bruce Foods Corp., has been appointed to the Grocery Manufacturers Association board of directors.
“I am deeply honored to serve the Grocery Manufacturers of America at a higher level,” Brown said. “This is an organization that has been so important to our company and been so effective for the food industry that I am humbled to have been chosen.”
Brown has been president and CEO of Bruce Foods since 1973. He currently serves as chairman of the board of advisors of the John Folse Culinary Institute at Nichols State University. Brown has a long history of expertise in international business and has served on numerous national and statewide committees. He has served three terms as chairman of the Louisiana Export Council was appointed in 1986 by U.S. Secretary of Commerce Malcolm Baldridge to serve on the Industry Sector Advisory Committee on U.S. Trade Policy Matters. He has also served as a member of the Agricultural Technical Advisory Committee for Processed Foods.
The Grocery Manufacturers Association helps its members produce safe products through a strong and ongoing commitment to scientific research, testing and evaluation and to providing consumers with the products, tools and information they need to achieve a healthy diet and an active lifestyle. GMA’s board of directors comprises leaders of its member organizations and is actively involved in shaping GMA’s priorities and policy.