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Well-Pict Marketing Team Recognized for Berry Effective Japanese Promo

FRESNO, Calif. -- Marketing Plus and Zylka Design, both based here, have been recognized in Japan for their promotional design work for Well-Pict Berries.

The newly published second edition of "Promotion Design", a Japanese ad design source guide, features the marketing/design team's most recent promotional campaigns for the Watsonville, Calif.-based berry grower/shipper.

Displayed prominently alongside campaigns from the likes of Pepsi and Honda, the Well-Pict campaign was unique in that it was the only featured work that promoted fresh produce.

The book features several pages of ad images and materials from the Well-Pict campaign, which includes such diverse elements as print ads, recipe books, promotional giveaways, and an exhibit booth for industry trade shows.

The Marketing Plus and Zylka Design creative team has handled the Well-Pict account for over 20 years. Creative director Julie Lucido credits that longevity for helping produce a high-quality campaign. "We focus on creating long-term goals and solid relationships with our clients. That helps the creative process build and develop into top creative work -- it's nice to be recognized."

In other news, Well-Pict predicts an abundant supply of high-quality berries for the upcoming holiday selling season. With its fall strawberry crop from its fields in Oxnard, Calif. nearly ready, Well-Pict is expecting major yields beginning the first week of October and continuing through December.

The company has also redesigned its Web site,, which now features enhanced information on products, package options, and agricultural practices.
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