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Wegmans Offers Brochure on High Blood Pressure

Wegmans Food Markets is now offering a 20-page brochure featuring pictures, charts and tips for shoppers trying to head off or treat “pre-hypertension” or elevated blood pressure, according to the Rochester, N.Y.-based grocer’s SVP of consumer affairs, Mary Ellen Burris. “Our nutritionists, working with the pharmacy team, put together an approach to heart disease risk that is easy to read and points you to places to learn more about a healthy lifestyle,” noted Burris.

The brochure’s release was driven by a health awareness initiative put in place by CEO Danny Wegman. “We try to avoid preachiness … but to suggest ways to enjoy food within the context of healthy lifestyle,’ explained Burris to her online readers. “We’re focused [on] multiple screening events for employees; [the] worksite ‘eat well challenge’ [is] now in its seventh year (count steps and cups of fruits and veggies); and a newer program tied to follow up with employees identified as being at risk.”

Every 20-point increase in the top blood pressure number doubles your risk of dying from a stroke or heart attack, notes the leaflet, which advises readers to try to keep below 120/80 and gives tips on how to reduce one’s numbers. The brochure can be viewed online at, or picked up near in-store pharmacies near the blood pressure kiosks.

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