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Wal-Mart Selling Private Label Organic Milk

BENTONVILLE, Ark. - Wal-Mart is reportedly rolling out private label organic milk in its stores. The milk, sold under the chain's well-known Great Value label, is produced by Boulder, Colo.-based Aurora Organic Dairy.

Half-gallon cartons of the milk have been introduced at 1,200 supercenters and Neighborhood Markets, Wal-Mart spokeswoman Karen Burk told The New York Times.

Aurora also supplies Safeway, Costco, Target, and Wild Oats with their store brands of organic milk.

Activist groups and some organic dairies have alleged that Aurora's large factory farms are watering down the principles of organic agriculture. They have said Aurora's cows do not spend any significant time roaming pastures and eating fresh grass.

Wal-Mart and its supplier have argued that Aurora's two farms in Colorado and Texas are in full compliance with Agriculture Department standards for organic dairy.
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