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Vending Machine Serves up Del Monte Fresh

Consumers will have more healthy vending choices thanks to Vend Natural Inc. and Del Monte Fresh Produce Company. The two companies have partnered to offer one of the first nationwide selections of fresh-cut fruits and vegetables in Vend Natural’s natural and organic snack machines. It’s truly a great solution for convenience-driven populations in need of healthier alternatives in the wake of growing concerns over childhood obesity and other ill effects from unhealthy diets.

Del Monte’s “Fresh Vending Line” products will include Del Monte fresh-cut fruits and vegetables to complement Vend Natural’s current line of healthy snack and beverage selections available in specially designed machines throughout the United States.

“We are pleased to be one of the first vending operators to provide American consumers with easy access to Del Monte’s fresh-cut fruits and vegetables in our vending machines,” said Vend Natural’s president, Gil Sanchez. “Adding these high-quality products to our existing all-natural and organic snack and beverage line was an important advancement in delivering the widest variety of healthy snacking alternatives for fast-paced living. Del Monte’s fresh products will help us reinforce that people no longer need to trade health for convenience.”

Vend Natural was founded by Sanchez to address the declining health of our nation by providing healthier snacking alternatives to on-the-go individuals at schools, hospitals and businesses. The company’s mission is to support improved eating practices by offering healthy products that are easily accessible and affordable to everyone.

Del Monte products will be found first in select Vend Natural snack machines in the mid-Atlantic and Northeast regions, with availability increasing nationwide throughout 2010. Retail prices for the Del Monte products range from $1 to $2.25 per item.

Dennis Christou, VP, Del Monte Fresh Produce Company, said, “Our decision to supply Vend Natural with fresh produce in [its] snack machines was driven by our shared mission to meet the demand for better snacking options to address growing health concerns and a desire for healthier living among the general public.” The fresh-cut Del Monte products, portioned between 4 to 6 ounces, offer a varied mix of pineapple chunks, grapes, apple slices, baby carrots, celery and tomato; some paired with healthy dips. Some locations will also feature specially wrapped Del Monte single-serve bananas. These ready-to-eat items are all-natural and are less than 120 calories per package.
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